- (いやらしく?ペチャクチャ)しゃべり続ける、くどくどとしゃべる、(ベラベラ)口走る
babble on 意味
- who is watching a professor babble on and on
教授が “生徒の惹きつけ方”について
- "babble drunkenly" 意味
- "babble incessantly" 意味
- "babble of a crowd" 意味
- "babble of a stream" 意味
- "babble of voices" 意味
- "babble on incoherently on the phone" 意味
- "babble out a secret" 意味
- "babble trying to hide one's feelings" 意味
- "babbler" 意味
- "babble of a stream" 意味
- "babble of voices" 意味
- "babble on incoherently on the phone" 意味
- "babble out a secret" 意味